Need help with your lake or pond?

Fisheries Management

Fishery Management

The fishery in a pond or lake is a very dynamic system. In order to fully examine the relationship between the various species that are present, a surveys should be carried out every few years. We employ various techniques to evaluate the fishery of a waterbody: electrofishing, seine netting, gill netting and fyke netting. By using one or more of these sampling methods, we can determine whether your fishery is properly balanced or not. To determine the necessary steps required to manage your pond or lake, the fish populations should be sampled to determine habitat, species, size, relative abundance and the growth rates of the


Fishery Surveys

Conducting a fishery survey will provide the information needed to develop and maintain a balanced, healthy fish community in your lake or pond. Typical information includes species composition, length frequency, population estimates, growth rates, and other data.  ABI can assess fishery populations using seines, fyke nets, and shocking equipment. Data collected is used to derived fish stocking quotas, harvest restrictions, feeding needs and rough fish removal needs.

Surveys can be designed to meet your goals and budget. Permits may be required on public waters.

Fish Stocking

We have many fish species available for stocking and delivery within Wisconsin, Upper Illinois, Michigan Upper Peninsula, and Western Minnesota. They include Largemouth Bass, Hybrid Bluegills, Bluegills, Perch, Walleye, Northern Pike, Trout and Fathead Minnows. Other species may be available -- please ask! Because of weather considerations, stocking primarily occurs during the spring and fall when it is less stressful on the fish. Visit our fish stocking page for more information.


Fish Aging

Fish age data can provide information on growth, mortality, stocking success, and year class strength. This data will help determine stocking needs, harvest restrictions, population control and/or habitat manipulations, ABI staff can collect and analyze scale samples from your lake or pond and assess this information or we can instruct you to collect scale samples and submit them for analysis. Due to time constraints fish scale aging is conducted November 1st - April 1st only.
